Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Time Management

WOW!!! Its been awhile since I've sat down and put my thoughts on "paper". To say I've been busy is quite the understatement. And if I'm not busy I'm so tired I do not think any of my sentences would make sense. I am forcing myself to keep up with this blog. I think it is a good outlet and I really do hope that it helps at least one other person out there who is thinking about schooling their children at home.

So... if the lack of posts isn't enough to show you, I will just admit that I have a "small" time management issue. Truth be told, I probably, scratch that, I know I take on too many projects. Between the girls activities, and house-wife responsibilities, sewing projects, scrapbooking, crafting projects, throwing baby showers (it seems like everyone is getting pregnant these days lol) and trying to start some booths at craft fairs... I spread myself pretty thin. Just recently I realized I need to slow down, that no matter how badly I want to, I just can not do it all. My son is 5 months already and I need to enjoy this age while I can.

  All moms know that slowing down and enjoying your kids in the moment is important, and that time management is necessary but my lack of time management skills legitimately worries me when it comes to home school. I worry that I will fall behind on my other obligations or even worse not make adequate time for the girls to do their school work. My biggest all time fear with homeschooling is that I do not prepare my children for college or the 'real world'. I mean that is what any type of schooling is meant for, to shape them into educated, participating members of society.

In my research I've heard many stories of people who say they are home schooling and really not doing anything with their children (they are only hurting their child's future). I do not want to be that parent. I want my kids to be smart and to think for themselves. To ask questions and find ways to get the answers on their own. I hope and pray that I can develop the needed time management qualities to produce such members of society.

If anyone has tips on time management, feel free to leave comments. I am always up for trying something new.

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